
The construction industry can be a tough game. Here at the Australian Building & Construction Dispute Resolution Service (ABC DRS), we realise that disputes over payment or contractual matters can be big disruptions to your business.

We’re here to make the managing of construction disputes just that little bit easier.

New South Wales adjudication

The state of New South Wales was the first state in Australia to implement security of payment legislation.  ABC DRS is an authorised nominating authority in this jurisdiction and can help in resolving adjudication applications.

The ABC DRS can nominate an adjudicator in the New South Wales jurisdiction to determine your payment dispute.

South Australian adjudication

South Australia adopted security of payment legislation in 2009 when the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009 was passed by state government.

ABC DRS is an authorised nominating authority in South Australia and can appoint adjudicators to determine your payment claim disputes.

A.C.T adjudication

Those who live in the nation’s capital can also take advantage of security of payment legislation. ABC DRS is authorised to appoint adjudicator’s to determine adjudication application in the Australian Capital Territory (A.C.T).

Tasmania adjudication

Tasmania adopted security of payment legislation in 2009 when the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009 was passed by the state government.

ABC DRS is a nominating authority in Tasmania and can appoint adjudicators to determine your payment disputes.

Western Australia adjudication

Western Australia adopted new security of payment legislation in 2022 when the Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021 came into effect on 1 August 2022.

ABC DRS is an authorised nominating authority in Western Australia and can appoint adjudicators and review adjudicators to determine payment disputes.

Queensland adjudication

In December 2014 Queensland became the only state or territory to abolish the independent appointment of adjudicators by authorised nominating authorities in favour of adjudicator being appointed by the state itself.

ADR for the construction industry

Alternative Dispute Resolution – or ADR for short – is a faster and cheaper method of resolving conflict with proven beneficial outcomes. Resolving disputes using ADR means you’re back doing your day-to-day work sooner rather than later.

The ABC DRS provides a number of ADR services including adjudication, expert determination, mediation and arbitration.

Training in dispute management

Worried that your company may not know enough about security of payment? Interested in knowing how to make sure your construction contracts are more conflict proof? Would you like to receive accredited training in the area of security of payment?

The ABC DRS can help.