Construction dispute services

Construction disputes are a drain on both your time and cash flow. Using alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods such as adjudication, you can get conflict resolved quickly and efficiently and get on your core business.

We solve problems

ABC Dispute Resolution Service offers a range of alternative dispute resolution services to the Australian construction industry that may be of help in resolving your construction dispute. These services include:

  • Adjudication
  • Mediation
  • Expert Witness
  • Expert Determination
  • Arbitration

The ABC DRS also offers high-quality training courses in adjudication and contract management.


Adjudication is a popular and straightforward method of resolving payment disputes under construction contracts.

The adjudication process simply involves the appointment of a qualified adjudicator to review a payment dispute. The adjudicator reviews the submission from both parties to the dispute and then makes a binding decision in accordance with relevant statutes and laws, known generally as security of payment legislation.

ABC DRS is a registered authorised nominating authority in New South Wales, South Australia, Australian Capital Territory (A.C.T) and Western Australia and a nominating authority in Tasmania.

In New South Wales, South Australia, Australian Capital Territory (A.C.T.), Western Australia only authorised nominating authorities and nominating authorities in Tasmania like the ABC Dispute Resolution Service, can appoint adjudicators to adjudication applications.


Mediation is a more personal form of dispute resolution, where a neutral mediator facilitates one-on-one negotiations between disputing parties with the aim of achieving a workable resolution.

Mediation has a high success rate when it comes to resolving highly charged construction disputes.

If you are interested in finding out more about our mediation services, simply get in contact with the ABC Dispute Resolution Service.

Expert Witness

Occasionally, it’s worthwhile to have a recognised construction expert on your side.

The ABC Dispute Resolution Service can help you out if you need access to an expert witness – an individual with extensive knowledge and experience in a particular area of construction. Expert witnesses can provide expert evidence to a court or other tribunal, either in person or in writing.

Please get in contact if you require an expert witness to assist in your dispute resolution processes.

Expert determination

Engaging construction experts to decide a matter in dispute can be a useful way of resolving conflicts. Using expert determination, parties to a dispute can agree to be bound by the decision of a third party that has expert knowledge of a particular construction issue or subject. Under expert determination, the nominated expert’s role is primarily investigative, taking in evidence from the disputing parties, along with the results of any inquiries as well as knowledge derived from their own expertise.

The ABC Dispute Resolution Service can provide you more information about expert determination.


Arbitration is form of dispute resolution where an independent third party, known as an arbitrator, can make a binding decision between two parties in dispute.

The arbitrator takes on a role similar to that of a judge, although procedures are less formal and the methods often faster and less costly.

The arbitrator bases their final decision based on evidence and arguments submitted by the parties.

The ABC Dispute Resolution Service can provide you with more information on using arbitration.


The ABC Dispute Resolution Service provides a number of excellent training courses in adjudication, security of payment, alternative dispute resolution as well as contract management and dispute avoidance.